September 28-30, 2018 -- H.M. Yuhi VI, Head of the Royal House of Rwanda, visited Fatima (Portugal) and Santiago de Compostela (Spain) to attend IX Edition of the International Dr. Otto von Habsburg Award IX International Indulgenced Pilgrimage – Risma Federation General Chapter Commemorative of the 100th Anniversary of the Beatification of Saint Nuno de Santa Maria and End of WWI.
With Dr. María Luisa de Aguas Vivas Aragón y Oliver and Prince Noa DeGuair, Royal House of Hawaii
With Her Imperial and Royal Highness Archduchess Monika of Austria, Duchess de Santángelo, Countess de Valhermoso, Countess de Lodosa, and Archduke Josef Karl of Habsburg, Prince of Hungary and the participants in the Military Academy after Laying of Wreaths in Honor of Soldiers from World War I
In Cathedral Valencia with His Royal Highness Dom Duarte Pio, Duke of Bragança